One of the most popular manga/anime series, “One Piece,” has created a huge fanbase. But who are Luffy’s parents? This is one of the many questions that fans have been asking for years.
Luffy is the main protagonist of the popular anime One Piece. He was born on a small island called Wano. His mother is a beautiful woman named Bellamy, who he never met due to her death during childbirth. His father is an unknown man who abandoned him soon after his birth.
While Luffy’s pirate adventures are well-known, his familial background remains unknown. We know his grandpa raised him, but do we know who Luffy’s mother and father are?
Luffy’s real father is the criminal Monkey D. Dragon, who was never present in his son’s childhood and instead placed him in the care of his own father, Monkey D. Garp, Luffy’s grandpa. Luffy’s real mother’s identity is still unknown, but his adopted mother was Curly Dadan.
We’ll offer you all the details you need to know about Luffy’s biological parents in this post. You’ll learn who they are, as well as some background information about them and their lifestyles, as well as when they were first introduced in the manga and anime.
What is Luffy’s mother’s name?
Luffy’s mother’s identity has yet to be disclosed. He was reared by his paternal grandpa, Monkey D. Garp, according to his family history, but nothing is known about his real parents. While his father’s name has been disclosed, Luffy’s mother’s identity has yet to be revealed.
Luffy did, however, have a foster mother when he was younger, and her name was Curly Dadan. Curly Dadan is the foster mother of Portgas D. Ace, Monkey D. Luffy, and Sabo, and a friend of Monkey D. Garp. Ace was given to her by Garp shortly after he was born. Garp then abandoned Luffy at Dadan’s as well.
Dadan lives near the hamlet of Fushia on Mount Corvo. She is the patron saint of the Dadan family’s mountain bandits and a wanted criminal.
Dadan didn’t want Luffy at first since she was already dealing with Ace, but Garp persisted, and she couldn’t say no. Due to Luffy’s previous encounter with another bandit, Higuma, he initially disliked Dadan and even stuck his tongue out at her during their first dinner together.
However, as they grew up together, Luffy became more worried about Dadan’s safety when he went to protect Luffy and Ace from Bluejam. Luffy grins and then adds that he despises mountain bandits but loves Dadan and the other bandits before departing to become a pirate.
Dadan wanted Luffy to assist her when Ace died since he was extremely important to her.
What is the name of Luffy’s biological mother?
We don’t know who Luffy’s biological mother is, as previously mentioned. Oda is said to have sketched her in two panels that were released in volume 45 of the manga, although this is just conjecture on everyone’s side since Oda never expanded on his remark.
When questioned about Luffy’s parents, Oda said that they had already been sketched and will appear in volume 45 of the manga. Now, unlike his mother, Luffy’s father (more on that later) did appear in volume 45 and was easily recognizable. Perhaps the lady in the backdrop of the panels depicting Luffy’s father was the one Oda was alluding to.
But, since that lady is only seen in the manga and never speaks or has her name disclosed, it’s possible that she’s simply a stock figure and not Luffy’s mother. Regardless, this is the closest we’ve come to identifying her, but even so, we don’t know anything.
What is the name of Luffy’s father?

Luffy’s real father was revealed to be none other than revolutionary criminal Monkey D. Dragon in episode 314 of the anime, which adapted chapter 432 of the manga, titled “Jack in the Box.”
He is the well-known commander of the Revolutionary Army, which is attempting to destabilize the global government. He is the World Government’s most vehement foe and is regarded as the “World’s Worst Criminal.”
Monkey D. Luffy is Monkey D. Dragon’s son. He appears to have great hopes for Luffy, much like his father, Monkey D. Garp. And, despite the fact that he has yet to meet Luffy, Dragon seems to accept his son’s activities to this day.
He’s shown up at Loguetown to witness Luffy depart for the Grand Line and prevent Smoker from capturing him, demonstrating that he cares about his son’s well-being (perhaps to push Luffy to become more mature). Because of all the difficulty his kid has caused the global government, Dragon seems to be extremely proud of him.
He seems to miss his kid, as he stands in the wind and faces East Blue (where he left Luffy). When he learned about Luffy’s second foray into Marineford, he chose to concentrate on his own objectives, claiming that Luffy was mature enough (in his opinion) to take care of himself.
He does not seem to be trying to turn him into a Revolutionary, but allowing him to pursue his own course.
Due to the numerous mysteries surrounding him, nothing is known about Dragon’s personality, save for an apparent passion for freedom and faith in destiny, both of which are typical characteristics of a “D.” bearer. Despite this, he is serious about his mission, telling his subordinates that the fight against the World Government would be lengthy, tough, and dangerous.
He acts sternly and seriously, unlike other members of his family or other “D.” carriers. He is often seen, though, with a confident grin on his face.
He appears to care about the innocent (probably because of the global government’s persecution of them), as shown by the scene in which he willingly rescues the inhabitants of Gray Terminal and subsequently offers them a position in the Revolutionary Army.
Despite the fact that he left his children in the care of his father, he seems to be concerned about them. Even when confronted with abandoning his family, Dragon was mainly an idealist who did not want his beliefs compromised. He never forgot about them, and despite not being the parent of the year, he remained concerned about his family.
He doesn’t seem to like being questioned about his history, or even simply talking about it. When the wind begins to change direction, he has a peculiar tendency of turning and gazing towards the direction of East Blue. Because he left Luffy in East Blue, his revolutionary comrade, Emporio Ivankov, attributed this behavior to Dragon’s fatherly nature.
Brook describes him as “charismatic.” In his army, he emphasizes honesty and discipline above all else; his aim is peace, and he views combat solely as a means to that end, not as something to be cherished.
Luffy’s father was revealed in which episode?
The revelation occurred in “The Strongest Family Lineage?” episode 314 of the anime. The episode “Luffy’s Father Revealed!” aired on June 17, 2007. It also contains a wealth of information on Luffy’s history and upbringing.
Who are Luffy’s mom and dad? is a question that many people ask. Many theories have been made, but they’re all wrong. This article will tell you everything about them.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is the real mother of Luffy?
The answer to this question is unknown.
Who is the real father of Monkey D Luffy?
The real father of Monkey D Luffy is currently unknown.